I'm back!
First, let me apologize for being absent for so long. Just like everyone, the crazy scheduling of the holiday season (and the end of the semester) has gotten the better of me. Foolishly, I've been directing people to my blog even though I haven't posted since Thanksgiving. Shameful. Anyway, here's a quick post just to let you know I'm still out here. My plan is to get all caught up today.
I've been doing oh so many crafty things lately. A couple of weeks ago, I purchased my first needle felting kit from That Yarn Store. Look what I did! Yeah--I know it's not that great, but it was my first attempt.
Yesterday, I worked on Tiana's sweater and tried my hand at a couple of felted cat balls. Thomas approved of the cat toys and batted them around a lot. However, the situation grew perilous when he tried to reach his paw over to one while I was needle felting it. Ouch--felted paw! Luckily, no harm came to him.
This is the cute cardigan I made for a co-worker who's due later this month. It's from Mason-Dixon Knitting (which I think I'm going to get for Christmas--yea!). I didn't use the dishcloth cotton the pattern called for. Instead, I used some leftover Blue Sky Alpaca organic cotton. Lovely. It also called for ribbon ties, but I opted to just stitch up the front a bit (done after I took this picture). The mother-to-be said her cat could wear it once the baby had outgrown it! I liked the pattern quite a bit. It kept me focused during the Thanksgiving holiday.One post--DONE!
Labels: baby cardigan, Mason Dixon Knitting, needle felting
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