Meowdemeow Knitting

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Dia de los Muertos!

So, on Sunday night after we returned from the work weekend, we went to the great Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Hermon Park on Marmion Way. This is the same Day of the Dead event that prompted me to write this poem about my grandfather way back when.

I love Dia de los Muertos--all the smells (especially the incense and marigolds, even though they mess up my nose), the sights of candles and pictures and food and religious icons mixed with bottles of beer, and the general atmosphere.

Anyway, here are a few highlights.

I especially like the skull here.

Wow--colors galore. Very nicely laid out.

Sugarbutterbex and That Yarn Store were both there at the last moment. Here's Becca all wrapped in shawls threatening Thea with one of Andrea's creatures. No one was harmed in the taking of this picture. You can see Becca and Matt's altar for their recently departed dog in the background on the right.

In knitting news, I've finished "major combat operations" on the laptop bag. But in knitting, as in life, that doesn't mean a whole lot. Yes, the knitting is 50 inches long, but I still have ends to weave in, seams to sew, and much felting, drying, and shaping left. That will come. For now, I'm working on Craig's fingerless gloves that I only did a cuff of sometime last fall. (Sorry, Craig!)

Yea--it's the weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for pictures of día de los muertos . . . it is nice to see them. I suppose it would be too much to ask for a kitted-laptop bag of my own. Right? . . . really, I am kidding. Don't start one!

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool. Although, I just don't know if it compares to the Candy Land (see picture on blog) that Tiana discovered on Halloween :D

Just kidding. I should take Tiana to partake in some dìa de los muertos activities...

9:14 AM  

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