Meowdemeow Knitting

Monday, December 11, 2006

Camping at the Beach

This is old news (back before Thanksgiving) but news nonetheless. Craig, David, and I went camping at Point Mugu State Park. To prepare, I knit Craig these fingerless gloves. (I started them back in February, fiddled with the measurements, knit a cuff, and gave up. The camping trip gave me the motivation to finish them.)

Anyway, we considered this a trial camping trip--only one night and no pressure if we forgot anything. Boy--did we forget something. So, we're all having a nice time talking and keeping warm by the fire. We even got to listen to the big USC game on AM radio (with some Tex-Mex music bleeding through). Then David and I decided to put up our tent. Guess what--we had everything but the poles. I hadn't used the tent since Niki lived in LA (oh, say 6 years ago), and I guess the tent and its poles got separated. So David and I slept in the car. We emptied out the trunk and put the back seats down so we could sleep cocooned in the trunk. I was pretty comfortable, but David had a rough night. In fact, he got up really early and walked to the beach. Craig snapped this picture of a lone figure silhouetted at the beach only to discover later on that it was David.
Here are some strangers underneath the cool bridge that was right by the campground.

And here I am, all grubby.
Next time: coffee pot, tent poles, hot food, lantern. Other than that, it was a successful first venture.

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