Meowdemeow Knitting

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Monkey Update & Snazzy Pictures

The nightmares are over, and the three-armed cyclops monkey is finished. (Truth be told, he's been finished for a month, but I just haven't posted any pictures yet.)
This is the inaugural picture from my new camera. Woo hoo! Many more pixels. Zoom. Wondrous tools. No more dark, fuzzy pictures.

Here he is relaxing on one of our bookcases. (We have SO many books!) David hasn't named him yet. I'll let you know when he does.

In other knitting news, I'm working on what will be a felted laptop bag for my parents with yarn my dad picked out at Tierra Wools. I'm REALLY tired of knitting it and only halfway through. I'll post a picture of that sometime soon. The stripes look nice--it's just very dull to work on.

Here's a picture near the Alumni House at USC. I like to eat lunch on one of the benches near the roses, so one day this week I took this picture. The building is the back of Doheny Library. Working at a university definitely has its advantages.
Last weekend, our friend Craig and I did the AIDS Walk for what we think was the fourth year in a row. I was allowed to join his work team, and we joked that I was a sleeper cell.

I don't normally wear baseball hats, but it had our team name on it. What would I do? My big regret is that I didn't get one of the ice cream bars they were handing out near the end. I talked to somebody on campus who had done the walk. She said the ice cream was delicious, but it just felt wrong to be walking 10 kilometers while eating ice cream. I guess I made up for it last night at the ice cream social at That Yarn Store. Mmm--Cherry Garcia!

Anyway, for the AIDS Walk, I've been able to surpass my fundraising goal already thanks to Ana, Ravi, and Elaine. Thanks, guys! If anyone reading this wants to donate a few bucks, just email me. There's still time.

You don't really get a sense of the sheer number of people in this picture taken from a very slight hill. They said 30,000 people participated this year, but we were out way ahead of most of them and didn't feel crushed at all. (Such was not the case in years past.)

Church of Craft is tomorrow, so I'll try to post some pictures from that!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently my last comment didn't make it....

So here I go again :) Nice Monkey, nice pictures. I tried to donate to the walk, but it wouldn't let me do less than $25 :(. I can do that now, but I couldn't then :/ You'll have to send the link to me again so I can try again!

9:06 AM  

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